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Create your walks according to your tastes

Get started!

Makina Corpus provides communities, companies and organisations with MoodWalkR application for calculating thematic itineraries for pedestrians.

Two ways to walk around:

the pedestrian chooses, MoodWalkR provides it...


A starting address, a destination,
find out the different routes of MoodWalkR!

Circular route

Choose your starting point, the duration of your walk
and let MoodWalkR be your guide!

...According to everyone's taste

Fastest route

For pedestrians in a hurry, this route allows you to reach your destination quickly.

Cultural Walk

Ideal for cultural heritage lovers, this course combines walking and cultural discoveries.

Night trip

Want to party ? Go on a tour of the most lively nightlife!

Nature desire

Wandering invitation while discovering the green spaces surrounding you.

If you want to value your open data, discover new places and promote a festival, MoodWalkR is for you!

Makina Corpus fulfils all your needs.

Contact us

All news around MoodWalkR

MoodWalkR at the Chalenges Numériques

June 2018

MoodWalkR was presented on June 22nd at the “Challenges Numériques” organised by the Direction Générale des Entreprises and Bpifrance.

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